#=========================================================== # # MED file mode definition file (www.med-editor.com) # for AutoHotkey (www.autohotkey.com) # by Wolfgang Reszel (Tekl) # #=========================================================== files: *.ahk |^[^:]+:[\t ]*Send[\t ]+, 100 title: AutoHotkey related: *.ini suffixIsRegexp: no default: no caseSensitive: no checkCommentInString: yes shiftDistance: 3 tabWidth: 3 tabLoadExpand: 1 tabInsAsBlank: 1 sectionRegexp: ^(;-)?[ \t]*(:[^ \t:;,]*)?:*[ \t]*[^ \t:;,]+( +& +)?[^ \t:;,]*::?.*$ sectionDisplayRegexp: ^;?-?[ \t]*(:?[^\t:;,]*:?[^\t:;,]+):+[\t ]*;? *(.*)$ sectionBrowserOrder: 1 2 sectionDisplayOrder: 1 2 sectionBrowserMainKey: 1 wordWrap: disabled 76 >!:~# wordSep:'&(){}\<>,;-+*.:?!=-|"% # 3rd party online help # NOTE: The pipe in the below (inside "Program Files") is required (it equals the space character). inf: * C:\Program|Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.chm * AutoHotKey|Help # brackets bracket: { } 1 bracket: : Return 1 bracket: /* */ 1 bracket: ( ) 1 # Color definitions defineColor: myOrange 230 115 0 defineColor: myDarkGray 89 89 89 foregroundColor: black backgroundColor: white blockColor: palegray # Comments color: myOrange, normal, myOrange, normal eolCom: ; comCol: 0 # Symbols color: darkgreen, normal, black, normal string: " color: darkred, normal, black, normal char: % color: blue, normal, black, normal literal: ` color: darkcyan, normal, black, normal decPrefix: color: blue, normal, black, normal hexPrefix: 0x color: darkcyan, normal, black, normal symbol: ,:{}[]=-/ color: darkgreen, normal, black, normal symbol: $^#!+<>*~ # Reserved words